Bank rating

Член Ассоциации
Рейтинг банка:
Forecast: Stable
Date of assignment: 07.05.2023
Date of update: 07.01.2023
Ссылка на сайт:
Bank "Ipak Yuli" was established April 23, 1990 and operates under a license from the Central Bank of the Republic of Uzbekistan №10, dated January 25, 2003.
Strategic goals and objectives
Strategic objective of the Bank is to move to a new level with the achievement of the leading positions of the modern competitive banks engaged in high-operations in domestic and foreign financial markets, able to provide and pay the maximum and stable dividend income.
To achieve this goal in the medium term, the following main tasks for implementation:
- further extension and expansion of operations , financial market saturation and filling niches available through the introduction of new high-quality products of the Bank ;
- creation of a professional , fast-changing environment adequate Bank management system based on the optimal distribution system powers;
- involvement of the Bank and securing long-term maximum number of top-notch corporate clients;
- Expansion of the Bank's presence in the retail market through the gradual development of marketing and advertising of its capabilities by providing a wide range of modern banking services.